Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bristol, TN 37620
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bristol TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Addilynn Memorial United Methodis | 423-764-1747 | 3225 Avoca Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Addilynn Memorial United Methodis | 423-764-1689 | 134 Richmond Heights Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Aldersgate United Methodist | 423-764-4092 | 136 Highridge St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Anderson St United Methodist Churc | 423-764-4535 | 954 Anderson St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Apostolic Faith Tabernacle | 423-764-2775 | 2143 Highway 126 | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Avoca Christian Church | 423-844-1080 | 2417 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Bellemont Presbyterian Church | 423-968-3722 | 2601 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Bridge Refugee Services | 423-652-1588 | 701 Florida Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Brookside Baptist Church | 423-878-8131 | 1558 Vance Tank Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 423-968-5919 | 1505 Broad St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Central Christian Church | 423-764-9013 | 424 Melrose St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Central Holston Christian Churc | 423-878-3441 | 261 Sand Bar Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Christian Science Society | 423-652-1856 | 1749 King College Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Cold Spring Presbyterian Ch | 423-878-2446 | 280 Cold Springs Church | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Cornerstone Free Will Baptist Church | 423-878-6700 | 300 Henson Ln | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Crossroads Baptist Church | 423-878-6857 | 1194 Vance Tank Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Deck Valley Baptist Church | 423-764-7223 | 215 Deck Valley Ln | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Eastern Heights Presbyterian Ch | 423-968-1673 | 104 Cannon Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Eastern Heights Presbyterian Ch | 423-968-7134 | 238 N Paperville Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Edgemont Presbyterian Church Pca | 423-652-2213 | 1013 Edgemont Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 423-878-4831 | 2909 Weaver Pike | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
First United Methodist Church | 423-652-2811 | 322 Vance Dr | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Friendship Chapel | 423-878-6813 | 5109 Highway 421 | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Full Gospel Tabernacle | 423-878-6770 | 487 Cant Hook Hill Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Harvest Worship Center | 423-878-4628 | 3750 Highway 421 | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Holston Valley Christian Churc | 423-878-9587 | 980 Bristol Caverns Hwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Hood Memorial Ame Zion Church | 423-968-7107 | 612 5th St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Kingdom Life Ministries | 423-968-3313 | 381 Glenwood Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 423-764-5673 | 112 Walnut Hill Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Lynwood Bible Church | 423-764-6420 | 71 Lynwood St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Meadowview Presbyterian Church | 423-968-7215 | 646 Highway 126 | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Mount Carmel Gospel Church | 423-968-5575 | 100 E State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Open Door Full Gospel Ministeries | 423-652-2587 | 1020 Broad St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Parkway Baptist Worship Center | 423-968-2856 | 1253 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
River Bend Baptist Church | 423-878-2141 | 226 River Bend Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Rosemont Presbyterian Church | 423-764-1045 | 2400 Broad St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Sinking Springs United Methodist Churc | 423-878-6739 | 280 V I Ranch Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
South Bristol United Methodist Churc | 423-764-4824 | 1809 Southside Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Steele Creek Missionary Baptist Church | 423-274-0790 | 274 Old Stage Dr | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Tennessee Avenue Baptist Church | 423-989-4325 | 104 Cypress St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
The Gathering Church | 423-764-5646 | 5825 Old Jonesboro Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Throne of Grace Baptist Tabernacle | 423-764-3458 | 209 Meadowview Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Valley Drive Missionary Baptist Church | 423-764-8200 | 217 N Paperville Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Valley Hill Baptist Church | 423-764-6330 | 155 Cedarbrook Cir | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Valley Pike Presbyterian Ch | 423-878-7122 | 2109 Carolina Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Vance Bible Church | 423-878-3661 | 425 Broyles Ln | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Virginia Avenue Baptist Church | 423-764-8052 | 1401 Virginia Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Virginia Avenue United Methodist Churc | 423-968-1353 | 1127 Virginia Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Volunteer Baptist Church | 423-764-5618 | 2695 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Walnut Hill Presbyterian Ch | 423-764-8729 | 224 Midway Dr | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Weaver Union Church | 423-878-2117 | 132 Peoples Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
West Hills Baptist Church | 423-323-7400 | 1769 Highway 11 W | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
West Hills Christian Church | 423-764-5596 | 116 Elm St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Windsor Avenue Presbyterian Ch | 423-764-6653 | 1100 Windsor Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Woodlawn Baptist Church | 423-968-2287 | 1400 Southside Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Word of Faith Training Center | 423-968-1269 | 104 Hatchall Way | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
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