Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Bristol, TN 37620
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Bristol TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 423-968-1855 | 425 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Arbico East Inc | 423-968-2729 | 1135 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Arby's Restaurant | 423-764-2444 | 1315 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Bamboo Garden | 423-989-3100 | 1266 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Blue Circle The | 423-764-4732 | 333 Bluff City Hwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Bojangles Famous Chicken 'n Bisi | 423-968-7600 | 1030 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Brown Eyed Susan's Bagels | 423-652-2216 | 634 State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Burger King | 423-968-7446 | 345 Bluff City Hwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Burger King | 423-764-1971 | 1397 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Burger King | 423-968-2025 | 2615 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Captain D's No 1 | 423-968-7878 | 2815 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Carol's Diner | 423-274-0576 | 2520 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Casa Mexicana | 423-844-0063 | 1020 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Charley's Grilled Subs | 423-764-6500 | 510 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Country Kitchen | 423-878-7876 | 3373 Weaver Pike | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Fishtales Pigtales Cafe | 423-764-3474 | 2131 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Hardees of Bristol | 423-968-9265 | 1313 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
K P Duty Gourmet Shoppe & Cafe | 423-764-3889 | 520 State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Lacarreta Restaurant | 423-989-3361 | 329 8th St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Levy Restaurant | 423-764-4343 | 327 Speedway Blvd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Levy Restaurant | 423-844-0491 | 142 Winston Cup Way | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 423-764-9033 | 1316 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 423-968-5830 | 2686 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Lynn-Ja Inc | 423-844-0621 | 1145 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Mad Greek Restaurant | 423-968-4848 | 2419 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Maggie's Diner | 423-968-3994 | 3184 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
McDonald's | 423-652-2150 | 220 Century Blvd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 423-764-3021 | 1102 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 423-968-2821 | 2633 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Pal's 10 | 423-652-2291 | 960 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Peking Restaurant | 423-968-7884 | 330 Godsey Rd Apt 42 | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Robin's Nest Bed & Breakfast | 423-274-0429 | 201 Robin Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Rocking Horse Bar & Grill | 423-764-7625 | 3080 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Rocky Top | 423-764-3287 | 16 6th St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Shelley's Chicken House Market & Deli | 423-878-3581 | 3496 Highway 421 | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Shoney's | 423-764-5101 | 2841 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Sonic Drive-In | 423-652-1505 | 1015 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Sonic Drive-In | 423-968-7142 | 2709 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Sportman's Inn | 423-968-7252 | 1403 Bluff City Hwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Subco East Inc | 423-764-8382 | 2409 Volunteer Pkwy # A | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Subway | 423-652-1366 | 2117A Weaver Pike | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Subway Sandwiches | 423-989-3093 | 1312 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Sun's Buffet & Grill | 423-764-1600 | 619 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Taco Bell | 423-764-5154 | 1117 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Taco Bell | 423-968-2018 | 2940 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Tootie's Restaurant | 423-764-6215 | 1310 Virginia Ave | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Valentino's | 423-968-7655 | 1501 King College Rd | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 423-968-5512 | 1400 Volunteer Pkwy | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 423-968-4811 | 2591 W State St | Bristol | TN | 37620 |
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