Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Kingsport, TN 37663
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Kingsport TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Restaurant | 423-239-7660 | 4226 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Hardee's of Colonial Heights | 423-239-7727 | 4256 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Hot Dog Hut | 423-239-8020 | 4028 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
La Carreta | 423-239-0014 | 4252 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Lunchbox Express | 423-288-5200 | 3856 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Marker '2' Grille | 423-323-4665 | 474 Lakeside Dock Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
McDonald's of Colonial Heights | 423-239-7911 | 4317 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Pal's | 423-239-3442 | 4224 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery | 423-239-4225 | 4618 Fort Henry Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 423-323-6654 | 101 Hospitality Pl | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
Taco Bell | 423-323-9396 | 1005 Flagship Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37663 |
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