Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Johnson City, TN 37601
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Johnson City TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bearfield McClellan & Blackburn | 423-282-1006 | 2513 Wesley St Ste 1 | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Berry William R Attorney at Law | 423-926-4608 | 600 N Roan St | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Booze Earl R Atty | 423-929-7113 | 515 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Brandt & Beeson Pc | 423-282-1981 | 206 Princeton Rd Ste 25 | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Burnette Richard L Attorney | 423-926-7226 | 116 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Carrier and Hickie Attorneys at La | 423-282-1881 | 206 Princeton Rd Ste 44 | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Davis Pc Atty | 423-929-7000 | 121 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Denny David R Atty | 423-282-2661 | 206 Princeton Rd Ste 30 | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Devane Robert S Atty | 423-929-2194 | 413 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Duncan Law Firm and Mediation Cente | 423-926-1357 | 1108 N Roan St | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Eastridge Michael A Atty | 423-928-2818 | 1907 N Roan St | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Epps & Epps | 423-928-7256 | 115 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Fain Judith | 423-926-1141 | 508 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Goergen John Attorney at Law | 423-926-1657 | 708 E Watauga Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Jessee & Jessee Attorneys at La | 423-928-7175 | 412 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Johnston Susan F Atty | 423-926-4546 | 111 Brentwood Dr | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Larry V Roberts Attorney at Law | 423-282-9697 | 2112 N Roan St Ste 804 | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
McClellan Van F Attorney | 423-434-0336 | 5 Fairway Ct | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
McKinnon & Taylor Attorney's at L | 423-283-7700 | 508 Princeton Rd | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Miller Samuel B Atty | 423-282-1821 | 1315 S Roan St | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Myers Jack L Attorney | 423-282-2345 | 2112 N Roan St Ste 700 | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Pectol & Miles | 423-928-6106 | 202 E Unaka Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Pope Firm The | 423-282-2512 | 404 E Watauga Ave | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
Steve Johnson Attorney | 423-282-4282 | 602 N Roan St | Johnson City | TN | 37601 |
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