Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Brentwood, TN 37027
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Brentwood TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist State Executive Board | 615-373-2255 | 5001 Maryland Way | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Bethel World Outreach Center | 615-371-1000 | 5670 Granny White Pike | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Brentwood Baptist Church | 615-324-6100 | 7777 Concord Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Brentwood Church of Christ | 615-373-0511 | 208 Granny White Pike | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Brentwood First Presbyterian Ch | 615-377-6295 | 1301 Franklin Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Calvary Chapel Brentwood | 615-377-3181 | 9495 Crockett Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Christian Leadership Concepts | 615-370-5020 | 5020 Thoroughbred Ln | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Community Church | 615-371-5886 | 1600 Wilson Pike | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Concord Grandview Baptist Church | 615-941-2293 | 6820 Nolensville Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Concord Road Church of Christ | 615-373-9743 | 8221 Concord Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
East Brentwood Presbyterian Ch | 615-370-4227 | 9000 Concord Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd | 615-661-0890 | 1420 Wilson Pike | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 615-595-1481 | 1210 Franklin Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Grace Community Church of Nashville | 615-377-8997 | 5711 Granny White Pike | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Greater Pleasant View Missionary Bapt | 615-373-8219 | 2710 Hillsboro Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Greystone Baptist Church | 615-776-3171 | 1635 Sunset Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Harpeth Hills Church of Christ | 615-373-0601 | 1949 Old Hickory Blvd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Johnson's Chapel United Methodist Churc | 615-661-8934 | 201 High Lea Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Liberty United Methodist Churc | 615-776-2822 | 9587 Liberty Church Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Owens Chapel Church of Christ | 615-376-3500 | 1005 Franklin Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Remnant Fellowship | 615-371-1469 | 1230 Franklin Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
Whispering Hill Church of the Nazarene | 615-776-3990 | 9826 Concord Rd | Brentwood | TN | 37027 |
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