Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Belton, TX 76513
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Belton TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
24 Hr Devotion Line | 254-939-2115 | 2500 Church St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Bell Baptist Association | 254-939-0761 | 1125 College St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Belton Community Baptist Church | 254-939-2889 | 301 W Avenue F | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Bethel African Methodist Episc | 254-939-6090 | 401 S Davis St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 254-939-3403 | 701 S Main St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Christian Tabernacle Church | 254-939-3464 | 1205 S Walker St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Church of God of the First Born | 254-939-2433 | 1005 E Central Ave | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Elm Grove Baptist Church | 254-933-8127 | RR 2 | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 254-780-2388 | 1 Morgans Point Rd | Belton | TX | 76513 |
First Baptist Belton | 254-939-0705 | 506 N Main St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
First Christian Church of Belton | 254-939-3483 | 100 Water St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
First Mexican Baptist Church | 254-939-6900 | 703 S Wall St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
First United Methodist Church | 254-939-5703 | 205 E 3rd Ave | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Hope Community Church | 254-933-8222 | PO Box 1716 | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Keys Valley Baptist Church | 254-939-1650 | Fort Hood Hwy | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Magnolia First Baptist Church | 254-939-5131 | 511 S Pearl St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Miller Heights Baptist Church | 254-939-1835 | 1400 S Wall St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Mt Zion United Methodist Churc | 254-939-3161 | 1309 E 6th Ave | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Mt Zion United Methodist Churc | 254-939-5621 | 218 N Alexander St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Nolan Valley Baptist Church | 254-939-8367 | Highway 93 | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Belton | 254-939-0824 | 1215 N Wall St | Belton | TX | 76513 |
River Church | 254-939-8880 | 312 W Avenue O | Belton | TX | 76513 |
Stillhouse Baptist Church | 254-939-6446 | 2378 F M 1670 | Belton | TX | 76513 |
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