Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Harker Heights, TX 76548
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Harker Heights TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams Chapel Ame Church | 254-699-3435 | 125 E Arlo Rd | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Bibleway House of Prayer | 254-680-9733 | 1018 Blue Bird Dr | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Calvary Fellowship Bell County | 254-690-7080 | 1196 S Amy Ln | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 254-690-4114 | 484 Fm 3219 | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Excellent Covenant World Outreach | 254-699-6920 | 114 E Fm 2410 Rd | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
First Baptist Church of Harker Heights | 254-699-9184 | 100 E Ruby Rd | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Garden of Gethsemane Church | 254-690-9121 | 111 Cox Dr | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Korean American Grace Baptist | 254-680-4691 | 401 S Ann Blvd | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Mountain View Baptist Church | 254-698-4119 | 2507 Cedar Knob Rd | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 254-699-0529 | 403 E Fm 2410 Rd | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
True Gospel House of Prayer | 254-690-4436 | 105 Cox Dr Ste B | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
Victory in Jesus Apostolic Churc | 254-554-7640 | 1704 Comanche Dr | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 |
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