Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Killeen, TX 76541
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Killeen TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Temple Church | 254-680-3787 | 1408 N 4th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Christ Gospel Apostolic Holiness | 254-628-8000 | 200 S Gray St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Church of Christ | 254-526-9592 | 2002 Azalea Dr | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Church of Christ Southside | 254-526-3041 | 1505 Trimmier Rd | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Church of Deliverance | 254-634-1137 | 1301 N 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Church of Jesus Christ House of Prayer | 254-554-7551 | 200 N Gray St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 254-690-5372 | 700 E Central Texas Expy | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Destiny World Outreach Center | 254-690-0856 | 1801 E Rancier Ave | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Family Life Center | 254-634-6363 | 508 N Gray St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
First Baptist Church of Killeen | 254-628-7893 | 718 N 2nd St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
First Baptist Church of Killeen | 254-634-6262 | 802 N 2nd St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Galilee Methodist Church of Great | 254-618-5021 | 1210 N 2nd St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
God's Way Community Church | 254-690-0005 | 215 S 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Goodnews Baptist Church | 254-634-5031 | 204 W Avenue B | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Harker Heights United Methodist Churc | 254-699-6271 | Veteran Memoril Blvd | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Harvest Ministries Sow | 254-200-2633 | 408 N 4th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Holy One Misson Baptist Church | 254-519-3990 | 211 E Avenue C | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church Elca | 254-634-2772 | 1104 N 4th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Jehova Es Mi Pastor | 254-554-2147 | 805 Hall Ave | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Korean Full Gospel Assembly of God | 254-526-7777 | 1410 Trimmier Rd | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Korean Memorial Baptist Church | 254-526-8844 | 113 S 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Korean Presbyterian Church | 254-634-7818 | 504 Root Ave | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Mission Baptist Church Global | 254-554-3456 | 508 E Jasper Dr | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 254-501-3849 | 300 N 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
New Life Church | 254-618-5223 | 702 N 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Ohnnuri Community Church | 254-501-4933 | 408 N 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Potter's House The | 254-554-4120 | 312 N 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Redsea Baptist Church | 254-628-8168 | 1004 N 18th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
River of Living Waters Ministries | 254-554-8451 | 700 Whitlow Dr | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Sacred Assembly | 254-634-5933 | 409 N 8th St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Saint Andrews United Methodist Churc | 254-634-7721 | 1000 Florence Rd | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Salvation Army | 254-634-7172 | 501 N 2nd St | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Sgi USA Killeen Activity Center | 254-554-6960 | 116 E Avenue D | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Skyline Baptist Church | 254-699-4479 | 906 Trimmier Rd | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
St Luke United Methodist Churc | 254-526-3993 | 102 E Church Ave | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Sunset Baptist Church | 254-634-5055 | 814 W Avenue C | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
True Deliverance Ministries Inc | 254-634-7082 | 508 Hall Ave | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
True Gospel | 254-628-8861 | 1101 W Avenue E | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
Victory Gospel Chapel | 254-519-1118 | 1603 Walton Walker Dr | Killeen | TX | 76541 |
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