Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Killeen, TX 76542
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Killeen TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Buddist Temple Sungpulsal | 254-628-5595 | 4600 Old Florence Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Christian House of Prayer | 254-526-7021 | 3300 E Stan Schlueter Loop | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Church of the New Commandment | 254-526-9779 | 997 Stagecoach Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Divine Faith Ministry Holiness Church | 254-554-6722 | 3101 Florence Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Evangel Temple | 254-628-8044 | 1203 Winkler Ave | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Grace Christian Center | 254-634-6990 | 1401 E Elms Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Grace Lutheran Church & School Lcms | 254-634-5858 | 1007 Bacon Ranch Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Killeen Landmark Missionary Bapt | 254-526-0082 | 5103 S Fort Hood St | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Lifeway Fellowship | 254-628-0176 | 4001 E Elms Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 254-526-7679 | 4509 Trimmier Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Memorial Baptist Church | 254-634-6882 | 4001 Trimmier Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
New Testament Christian Church | 254-526-2149 | 3500 Florence Rd | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Peaceable Kingdom Retreat for Chi | 254-554-5555 | 19051 Fm 2484 | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
St Luke United Methodist Churc | 254-526-0665 | 2206 Excel Dr | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
Youngsport Church of Christ | 254-680-7760 | 201 Youngsport Loop | Killeen | TX | 76542 |
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