Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Antonio, TX 78214
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Antonio TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Churches | 210-923-4361 | 502 E Southcross Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Calvary Southside | 210-923-7479 | 138 Tommins Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Harlandale Christian Church | 210-922-9803 | 302 E Gerald Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Harlandale Church of Christ | 210-922-6866 | 507 E Mayfield Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Harlandale United Methodist Churc | 210-922-7773 | 6025 S Flores St | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Hispana | 210-922-1012 | 5521 S Flores St | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
March Avenue Baptist Church | 210-923-1624 | 927 March Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Omega Church | 210-923-2220 | 3737 Roosevelt Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Pyron Ave Baptist Church | 210-923-3562 | 431 E Pyron Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Ravenhill Baptist Church | 210-924-3135 | 263 E Harding Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Rock of Revelation Church | 210-932-4651 | 1119 Braubach | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Southside Church of God | 210-922-1980 | 406 Boswell | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Spiritual Church of the Open Door The | 210-924-7101 | 5446 Roosevelt Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
St Leo's Community Center | 210-533-3207 | 4423 S Flores St | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Theo Avenue Baptist Church | 210-532-0971 | 131 E Theo Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 210-924-1733 | 5520 S Flores St | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
Ven A El Baptist Church | 210-627-9884 | 1323 San Casimiro | San Antonio | TX | 78214 |
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