Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Antonio, TX 78216
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Antonio TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acts Missions | 210-342-1077 | 285 Oblate Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Calvary Chapel North S A | 210-530-9673 | 5246 Blanco Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Christian Fortress Int'l | 210-798-2142 | 11202 Disco | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Church of Christ San Pedro | 210-804-1128 | 311 Jackson Keller Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Coker United Methodist Church | 210-494-3455 | 231 E North Loop Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Fellowship of San Antonio The | 210-820-8899 | 10500 Heritage Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
First Assembly of God | 210-491-9301 | 13435 West Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Fourth Church of Christ Scientist San A | 210-344-9814 | 6325 San Pedro Ave Ste 4 | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Harmony Hills Baptist Church | 210-341-6991 | 707 McCarty Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Holy Spirit Catholic Church | 210-341-1395 | 8134 Blanco Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Korean United Methodist Church | 210-341-8706 | 5705 Blanco Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Missionary Association of Mary Immacul | 210-736-1685 | 323 Oblate Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Oasis Outreach Mission | 210-349-2290 | 10202 Desert Sands St Apt K13 | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Permanent Diaconate | 210-930-8118 | 114 Shannon Lee St | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Samministries | 210-340-0302 | 5254 Blanco Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Shearer Hills Baptist Church | 210-545-2175 | 12615 San Pedro Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
Soka Gakkai Int-USA | 210-653-7755 | 7142 San Pedro Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78216 |
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