Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Antonio, TX 78230
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Antonio TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Presbyterian Church | 210-341-6417 | 5440 Vance Jackson Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
Christian Science Church Third RR | 210-699-0033 | 11914 Rustic Ln | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
Cocke Virginia Cs | 210-492-8177 | 12518 Georgian Oaks St | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
House of Prayer Lutheran Church | 210-696-1194 | 10226 Ironside Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
Methodist Healthcare Ministries | 210-692-0234 | 8200 W Ih 10 Ste 610 | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
Our Savior Ev Lutheran Church | 210-696-1585 | 11503 Vance Jackson Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
Saint Andrew Presbyterian | 210-341-4441 | 8231 Callaghan Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
Shenandoah Church of Christ | 210-696-5532 | 11026 Wurzbach Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
St Chad's Anglican Church | 210-641-6107 | 11919 Orsinger Ln | San Antonio | TX | 78230 |
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