Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Antonio, TX 78237
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Antonio TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship | 210-432-8954 | 1014 W Old US Highway 90 | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Alpha Joy Temple | 210-433-4695 | 407 Laverne Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Antioch Mexican Baptist Church | 210-433-8576 | 1911 Wescott Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Christ Is My Refuge Mission | 210-434-6569 | 205 S San Eduardo Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 210-431-8187 | 655 Castroville Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Corintos Baptist Church | 210-434-0884 | 304 Remolino | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians | 210-432-0090 | 6019 Buena Vista St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Iglesia Cristiana Cinco Palms | 210-433-2400 | 808 S Acme Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Igniting the Harvest | 210-438-1330 | 142 Cupples Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 210-434-3441 | 311 Groff Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Jerusalem Presbyterian Church | 210-433-8024 | 411 Las Palmas Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Jesus Is the Door | 210-434-4955 | 259 N San Joaquin Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Lake Garden Baptist Church | 210-436-4000 | 734 SW 35th St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Las Palmas Church of the Nazarene | 210-434-1566 | 4126 San Luis St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 210-433-0946 | 963 SW 40th St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
P V Ministries | 210-435-7878 | 5215 W Commerce St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Princepe De Paz United Methodist Churc | 210-432-4603 | 1415 Brady Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Religious Education Center | 210-433-3959 | 111 S San Augustine Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 210-432-6778 | 329 SW 41st St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Templo Del Espiritu Santo | 210-434-7363 | 1150 S General McMullen Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
The Joshua House of Worship | 210-434-5157 | 4748 W Martin St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Theos Hosanna Christian Center | 210-432-5435 | 5727 Monterey St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Victory Inner City Church | 210-432-5150 | 631 S San Bernardo Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Victory Outreach of Texas | 210-434-2774 | 1003 SW 38th St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
West Laurel Heights Baptist Church | 210-434-2225 | 115 Guthrie St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Westlawn Baptist Church | 210-433-2271 | 330 S San Dario Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Westlawn United Methodist Churc | 210-433-6963 | 122 S San Manuel St | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
Wings of Healing Apostolic Churc | 210-433-0843 | 654 Cupples Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78237 |
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