Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Antonio, TX 78239
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Antonio TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 210-653-2225 | 5311 Crestway Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Church of Christ Crestway | 210-967-0992 | 6770 Crestway Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 210-653-2832 | 8801 Midcrown Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Crestview Baptist Church | 210-655-7451 | 8101 Eagle Crest Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Harvest Hill Baptist Church | 210-653-1091 | 7619 Crestway Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Holy Scripture Evangelical Lut | 210-650-9053 | 5605 Winsong Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 210-646-7943 | 9750 Eagle Crest Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
John Calvin Presbyterian Ch | 210-657-4441 | 8102 Midcrown Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
New Creation Christian Fellowship | 210-646-7997 | 8700 Fourwinds Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
New Dimension Ministry | 210-653-6044 | 6096 Montgomery | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Newness of Life Christian Fello | 210-657-6523 | 6359 Montgomery | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
Windcrest United Methodist Churc | 210-654-0404 | 8101 Midcrown Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78239 |
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