Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Antonio, TX 78240
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Antonio TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Babcock Road Christian Church | 210-690-8884 | 6316 Babcock Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Chinese Baptist Church | 210-558-6393 | 5481 Prue Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Christian Medical & Dental Society | 210-690-1264 | 6522 Pemview | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Faith Assembly of God | 210-681-8723 | 8023 Huebner Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Family Worship Center | 210-561-1717 | 5450 Babcock Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 210-699-6511 | 8603 Huebner Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Grace Fellowship Baptist Church | 210-684-2329 | 7804 Eckhert Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Grace Point Church | 210-696-6093 | 9750 Huebner Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Horizon Church | 210-520-2090 | 6800 Evers Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 210-558-6381 | 5950 Lockhill Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Lutheran Churches Missouri Synod | 210-614-3742 | 6914 Wurzbach Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Medical Center Baptist Church | 210-614-3383 | 7015 Wurzbach Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Methodist Churches | 210-684-5441 | 6800 Wurzbach Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Oxford United Methodist Church | 210-696-0192 | 9655 Huebner Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Sikh Center of San Antonio | 210-696-1009 | 6011 Hollyhock Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
St Francis Episcopal Church | 210-696-0834 | 4242 Bluemel Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
St George Maronite Catholic Church | 210-696-5937 | 6070 Babcock Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
Western Hills Christian Church | 210-690-9327 | 8535 Huebner Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78240 |
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