Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in San Antonio, TX 78201
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for San Antonio TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arredondo Eradio MD | 210-226-9311 | M & S Tower | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Arthritis & Associated Diseases Center | 210-614-2821 | Oak Hls Medical Blvd Ste Ste | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Avant Wilbur S Jr MD | 210-614-3581 | Oak Hls Medical Blvd | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Briseno Charles G | 210-224-4811 | Nix Professional Bui | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Brodrick Charles D MD | 210-271-7648 | 303 E Quincy Prof Bldg | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Carcamo Gerardo E MD Pa | 210-220-1726 | Nix Medical Ctr | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Case George D | 210-225-7191 | 914 Nix Prof Bldg | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Cleland Timothy P MD | 210-615-7600 | 1434 Sidney Baker | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Clinica Del Norte Pediatrics | 210-572-1430 | 102 Babcock Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Ear Nose & Throat Clinics of San | 210-615-8332 | 2 NW 4775 Hamilton Wolf | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Ear Nose & Throat Clinics of San | 210-614-1326 | 1 NW 4775 Hamilton Wolf | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Etlinger John E MD | 210-225-1916 | Metropolitan Profess | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Gay Charles P MD | 210-614-3737 | Methodist Plz | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
McQueen William J MD | 830-278-2422 | 1025 Garner Field Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Mein Calvin MD | 210-615-1311 | 1446 Sidney Baker | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Montiel Oscar MD | 210-533-5511 | 2318 W Gramercy Pl | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Penny Gary L MD | 210-616-0999 | Oak Hills Medical Bu | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Physician's Plaza | 210-575-6500 | 18038 Wurzbach Rd | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Reshmey Medical Clinic Family Medicine | 210-828-2311 | 1202 E Sonterra Blvd Ste Ste | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
San Antouio Pediatric Associates Pa | 210-223-3543 | 215 San Saba # 101 | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Texsan Heart Hospital | 210-736-6700 | 6700 W Ih 10 | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Thurston Charles S MD | 210-222-0376 | Rosa Verde Tower Ste Ste | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Wood Mary Jean MD | 210-735-4256 | 223 Northill Dr | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
Zuschlag Ella MD | 210-733-7240 | 2223 W Summit Ave | San Antonio | TX | 78201 |
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