Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Texarkana, TX 75501
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Texarkana TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross | 903-793-5602 | 821 Spruce St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
Ark Tex Council of Government | 903-832-8636 | 122 Plaza W | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
Battered Women's | 903-794-4000 | 424 Spruce St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
Bi-State Women's Center | 903-792-5627 | 124 W Broad St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
Friendship Center | 903-792-1301 | 620 W 4th St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
Indigent Health Care Program | 903-791-6042 | 424 W Broad St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
Randy Sams Homeless Shelter | 903-792-7024 | 402 Oak St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
Texarkana Children's Advocacy Center | 903-792-2215 | 517 Main St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
United Way of Greater Texarkana Inc | 903-794-3105 | 214 Spruce St | Texarkana | TX | 75501 |
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