Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sweeny, TX 77480
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sweeny TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allen Memorial Church of God Inchrist | 979-548-2982 | 404 W 4th St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Christ Temple | 979-548-5433 | 122 N Main St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Church of Christ | 979-548-2216 | 211 E 5th St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Church of Christ | 979-548-2664 | 505 N Oak St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
First Baptist Church of Sweeny | 979-548-5117 | 402 N Main St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
First United Methodist Church | 979-548-2192 | 207 E 1st St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Full Gospel Lighthouse | 979-548-5424 | 607 N Hackberry St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
His Grace Assembly of God | 979-548-2122 | 109 W 7th St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Mt Pilgrim First Baptist Church | 979-548-6778 | 508 N Martin Luther King S | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church | 979-548-2020 | 310 N McKinney St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Rebector Memorial Church of Godin | 979-548-0285 | 304 Willow St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
Third Street Church of Christ | 979-548-8874 | 402 W 3rd St | Sweeny | TX | 77480 |
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