Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in College Station, TX 77840
* Each listing below of Churches Information for College Station TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A&m United Methodist Church | 979-846-8731 | 417 University Dr | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Baptist Student Ministry | 979-846-7722 | 203 College Main | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church | 979-693-4514 | 1007 Krenek Tap Rd | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Breakaway Ministries | 979-693-9869 | 909 Harvey Rd | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Christ's Holy Missionary | 979-764-1090 | 1119 Arizona St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Christian Science Society & Readi | 979-846-4082 | 201 Boyett St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Creath-Brazos Bapt Assoc | 979-846-1788 | 410 Tarrow St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Grace Bible Church | 979-693-2911 | 700 Anderson St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Islamic Community of Bryan College S | 979-846-4222 | 417 Stasney St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Lutheran Campus Ministry | 979-846-6687 | 315 College Main | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Parkway Baptist Church | 979-693-4701 | 1501 Southwest Pkwy | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church of Colle | 979-693-3568 | 1216 Detroit St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
St Mary's Catholic Center | 979-846-5717 | 603 Church Ave | College Station | TX | 77840 |
United Campus Ministry | 979-846-1221 | 315 Tauber St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
Wesley Foundation Methodist Stude | 979-846-4701 | 201 Tauber St | College Station | TX | 77840 |
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