Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Plano, TX 75075
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Plano TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ark Preschool | 972-612-7293 | 1919 Independence Pkwy | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Bethany Bible Church | 972-596-5813 | 3300 W Parker Rd | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Childrens Discovery Center | 972-596-4812 | 3101 Coit Rd | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Dallas Chinese Fellowship | 972-612-7227 | 2640 Glencliff Dr | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Disciples Christian Church | 972-596-3212 | 2001 Independence Pkwy | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Fellowship Bible Church North | 972-783-8800 | 850 Lexington Dr | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Grace Chinese Baptist Church | 972-423-4189 | 1108 W Parker Rd | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Hope Community Church | 972-985-4673 | 930 W Parker Rd | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Lord of Life Lutheran Church Lcms | 972-867-5588 | 3601 W 15th St | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Messiah Lutheran Church Mosy | 972-398-7500 | 1801 W Plano Pkwy | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Plano Chinese Alliance Church | 972-867-2990 | 1615 Dorchester Dr | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Prairie Creek Baptist Church | 972-596-4805 | 3201 W 15th St | Plano | TX | 75075 |
River of Glory | 972-423-3632 | 501 Accent Dr | Plano | TX | 75075 |
Temple Baptist Church | 972-578-1982 | 300 Chisholm Pl | Plano | TX | 75075 |
West Plano Presbyterian Church | 972-596-2415 | 2709 Custer Rd | Plano | TX | 75075 |
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