Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grand Prairie, TX 75052
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grand Prairie TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
African Evangelical Baptist Church | 972-263-1554 | 770 E Warrior Trl | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Church of Christ in Forum Terrace | 972-641-4351 | 2446 Arkansas Ln | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Faith Fellowship Missionary Bapt | 972-642-9125 | 4205 S Belt Line Rd | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 972-641-9500 | 1880 Mayfield Rd | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Gates of Glory Revival Center | 972-988-8708 | 1718 Clark Trl | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Grace Church | 972-988-6151 | 2860 W Camp Wisdom Rd | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Matthew Road Baptist Church | 972-641-2717 | 4601 Matthew Rd | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Open Door Baptist Church | 972-660-7245 | 2445 W Warrior Trl | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church | 972-642-5683 | 4729 S Carrier Pkwy | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Robinson Road Church of Christ | 972-262-6524 | 4701 S Robinson Rd | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
South Park Baptist Church | 972-262-2641 | 401 W Warrior Trl | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
St Joseph's Episcopal Church | 972-642-6959 | 4829 S Carrier Pkwy | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
The Oaks Baptist Church | 972-263-2224 | 801 E Interstate 20 | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
Trailwood Baptist Church | 972-641-7040 | 4137 Matthew Rd | Grand Prairie | TX | 75052 |
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