Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Carrollton, TX 75007
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Carrollton TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldersgate United Methodist Churc | 972-492-9393 | 3918 Old Denton Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Bent Tree Bible Fellowship | 972-306-4477 | 4141 International Pkwy | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Bethel Bible Fellowship | 972-492-4300 | 1944 E Hebron Pkwy | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Carrollton Chinese Church | 972-492-1593 | 3219 Wellington Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Carrollton West Church of Christ | 972-395-1667 | 1735 E Peters Colony Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Dfw Church of Christ Jesus | 972-492-0590 | 1024 W Rosemeade Pkwy | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Hebron Community Church | 972-394-2020 | 2020 E Hebron Pkwy | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Holy Covenant United Methodist Churc | 972-492-2432 | 1901 E Peters Colony Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Korean Full Gospel Church of Dalla | 972-395-7519 | 3925 N Josey Ln | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Marthoma Church of Dallas Farmers | 972-939-0699 | 3621 Canyon Oaks Dr | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Redeemer Covenant Church | 972-466-0054 | 1518 E Frankford Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Sojourn Church | 972-307-3033 | 4041 Marsh Ln | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
St Andrews Christian Church | 972-492-7531 | 3945 N Josey Ln | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church | 972-492-3237 | 1705 E Peters Colony Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Trinity Valley Church | 972-394-8888 | 3114 Old Denton Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
Woodlake Baptist Church | 972-492-1190 | 2015 E Peters Colony Rd | Carrollton | TX | 75007 |
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