Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lewisville, TX 75067
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lewisville TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Christ West Main | 972-436-1245 | 950 W Main St | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 972-393-6976 | 615 N Macarthur | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Cindy Lane Baptist Church | 972-221-1978 | 1896 Cindy Ln | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Edmonds Lane Bible Chapel | 972-353-9779 | 1724 S Edmonds Ln | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
First Christian Church | 972-436-2120 | 880 Fox Ave | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
First Presbyterian Church | 972-436-6578 | 1002 Fox Ave | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Fox Avenue Baptist Church | 972-436-5684 | 975 Fox Ave | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Garden Ridge Church of Christ | 972-221-3561 | 102 N Garden Ridge Blvd | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 972-436-3493 | 602 Manco Rd | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Little Servant Christian Acade | 972-316-3395 | 911 W Round Grove Rd | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
North Texas Baptist Association | 972-434-5400 | 371 S Edmonds Ln | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Northshore Church | 972-353-9911 | 1569 W Main St | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Orchard Rd Baptist | 972-436-0625 | 1301 S Old Orchard Ln | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Parkway Bible Church | 972-315-0092 | 1165 W Round Grove Rd | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
St Philip the Apostle Roman Catholic | 972-436-9581 | 1897 W Main St | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Temple Christian Academy | 972-436-3480 | 1010 Bellaire Blvd | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 972-436-9007 | 1687 S Edmonds Ln | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Vista Ridge Bible Fellowship | 972-315-8631 | 2345 S State Highway 121 | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Vista Ridge Church of Christ | 972-459-5829 | 2488 Meadowglen Dr Ste 210 | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Vista Ridge United Methodist Churc | 972-315-5225 | 2901 Denton Tap Rd | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Westside Baptist Church | 972-221-5668 | 802 Bellaire Blvd | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
Word of God Church | 972-906-5801 | 1038 Cassion Dr | Lewisville | TX | 75067 |
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