Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Odessa, TX 79763
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Odessa TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Belmont Baptist Church | 432-332-0248 | 806 N Belmont Ave | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 432-337-8165 | 1000 W Clements St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Bible Centered Fellowship | 432-335-0969 | 500 Elliott Ave | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Church of Christ Parkview | 432-337-0111 | 1700 Park Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Dayspring Assembly of God Church | 432-381-1005 | 1302 Avenue F | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Dunn Street Baptist Church | 432-381-6022 | 8546 W Dunn St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Embassy Christian Ministries | 432-333-3474 | 1212 W 10th St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Full Gospel Covenant Church | 432-381-0355 | 1002 N Redondo Ave | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Grace Christian Fellowship | 432-335-0117 | 1333 San Andres Dr | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Greater St Luke Baptist Church | 432-530-3016 | 3757 W 16th St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Iglesia Del Camino | 432-332-9300 | 903 S County Rd W | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 432-337-0831 | 2400 W 16th St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Odessa Worldwide Church of God | 432-385-7700 | 10737 W 23rd St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista | 432-332-2265 | 2111 W 22nd St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Sunset Heights Baptist Church | 432-332-7727 | 2401 W 16th St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Vine Baptist Church | 432-337-7497 | 2200 W 22nd St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
West Side Christian Church | 432-381-0259 | 3501 W 15th St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Westover Baptist Church | 432-381-2877 | 2540 N Torrance Ave | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Westside Apostolic Church | 432-381-5513 | 2500 N Tripp Ave | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
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