Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Odessa, TX 79763
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Odessa TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anheco Construction Inc | 432-332-3110 | 2505 Maurice Rd | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Clifton Roofing | 432-337-1182 | 2601 Van St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Curry Electrical Construction in | 432-580-5011 | 1603 S Viceroy Ave | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Doan Kevin Homes | 432-580-5035 | 1601 W 10th St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Ector County Independent Sch | 432-337-4892 | 2225 W 8th St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Holloman Corporation | 432-381-2000 | 5257 W Interstate 20 | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Permian Demolition Services | 432-582-0800 | 2419 W Murphy St | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Pittman T Construction Co | 432-381-1314 | 1048 N Avenue G | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Samson Corporation The | 432-332-2282 | 1712 Sanson Rd | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
Tripp Construction Inc | 432-381-2440 | 1073 N Fm 1936 | Odessa | TX | 79763 |
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