Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Odessa, TX 79764
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Odessa TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alfredo's Paleteria Mexican Ice Cre | 432-333-1725 | 410 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
B J's Drive-In | 432-333-8042 | 3021 Golder Ave | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Dairy Queen Stores | 432-333-3251 | 720 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Denny's Restaurant | 432-552-0663 | 105 W 42nd St | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
J Nets Blue Bird Cafe | 432-530-0490 | 7828 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Judy K's Kountry Kitchen | 432-550-3889 | 7010 N County Rd W | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Maggie's Cafe | 432-367-7667 | 3604 Golder Ave | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 432-337-9338 | 1347 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Mel's | 432-381-0192 | 7500 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Quetzal Cafe | 432-385-1274 | 10532 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Stars Drive-In of Odessa | 432-381-0612 | 9012 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Susie's Cafe | 432-381-7874 | 10168 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
Texas-Burger | 432-381-7593 | 7546 W University Blvd | Odessa | TX | 79764 |
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