Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Red Oak, TX 75154
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Red Oak TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bear Creek Baptist Church | 972-230-3136 | 1810 S Hampton Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Body of Christ Family Church | 972-617-5650 | 215 N Lenard St | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church | 972-576-5530 | 2661 Fm 983 | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Church of Christ of Red Oak | 972-617-2779 | 209 N Main St | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Divine Hope Family Church | 972-617-4500 | 620 W Red Oak Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
East Ridge Baptist Church | 972-617-2338 | 732 E Ovilla Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Empowering Word Christian Cente | 972-617-8335 | 118 S State Highway 342 | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Faith Baptist Church | 972-576-8222 | 208 S State Highway 342 | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
First Baptist Church of Glenn Heights | 972-223-1316 | 512 E Bear Creek Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
First Baptist Church of Ovilla | 972-617-5717 | 803 E Main St | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
First Baptist Church of Red Oak | 972-576-5541 | Educational Bldg | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
First Baptist Church of Red Oak | 972-576-3591 | 103 W Red Oak Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
First Methodist Church | 972-617-9100 | 600 W Red Oak Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Grace Church of Ovilla | 972-617-0429 | 519 Westmoreland Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Jabula New Life Ministries | 972-217-1400 | 112 Hummingbird Ln | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Landmark Baptist Church | 972-576-3180 | 982 E Ovilla Rd # 664 | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Lord of Life Lutheran Church | 972-617-9173 | 700 E Ovilla Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Ovilla Church of Christ | 972-617-7447 | 3420 Ovilla Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Ovilla Heights Baptist Church | 972-617-0050 | 3251 Ovilla Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Ovilla Methodist Church | 972-515-8588 | 609 Cardinal Dr | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Rockett Baptist Church | 972-576-8954 | 2870 Fm 983 | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Ma | 972-617-3787 | 104 Cockrell Hill Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
Trinity Oaks Baptist Church Fm | 972-617-2742 | 2377 Lowrance Rd | Red Oak | TX | 75154 |
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