Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in Ennis, TX 75119
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for Ennis TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Diamond Shamrock No 781 | 972-875-8141 | 101 E Ennis Ave | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Four Start Quick Pantry | 972-875-4206 | 2201 W Ennis Ave | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Grocery Alma Discount | 972-875-8562 | 101 NW Interstate 45 Servic | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
H-E-B | 972-875-7720 | 101 N Clay St | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Lionbacker Drive in | 972-875-2151 | 1108 W Lake Bardwell Dr | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Lucky Food Service | 972-875-8734 | 1205 E Ennis Ave | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
McClain Food Store | 972-875-2311 | 301 W Brown St | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Minit Markit One Stop | 972-938-7686 | 10451 W Ennis Ave | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
One Stop Food Stores | 972-878-9638 | 4462 Spur 469 | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Quick Pick Grocery | 972-878-8884 | 907 N Kaufman St | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Super 1 Foods | 972-875-1144 | 1205 W Ennis Ave | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Texaco Awalt-Greer | 972-875-8390 | Interstate Highway 4 | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
Tom's Food Market | 972-875-5732 | 600 W Gilmer St | Ennis | TX | 75119 |
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