Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Katy, TX 77494
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Katy TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
B & B Land Clearing Co Inc | 281-391-7089 | 6815 Highway Blvd | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Beazer Homes | 281-391-2090 | 25127 Summer Walk Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Brighton Homes | 281-693-6500 | 2410 Falcon Knoll Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Brighton Homes | 281-693-2888 | 25007 Sienna Terrace Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Concrete Specialists Inc | 281-392-7878 | 1926 Anchor Lake Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
David Powers Homes | 281-392-0061 | 1010 Woodcreek Cove Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
David Weekley Homes | 281-693-1480 | 7311 Gentle Willow Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
David Weekley Homes | 281-395-9308 | 1203 Lake Grayson Dr | Katy | TX | 77494 |
David Weekley Homes | 281-392-7700 | 25515 Rocky Walk Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
David Weekly Homes Seven Meadows | 281-392-3303 | 7010 Terrace Rdg | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Dhm Construction | 281-391-2882 | 6001 Highway Blvd | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Emerald Builders Construction | 281-395-9450 | 23727 Allingham Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Emerald Homes Sales | 281-392-1303 | 1002 Woodcreek Cove Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Firethorne Visitor Center | 281-693-1010 | 28100 N Firethorne Rd | Katy | TX | 77494 |
First Texas Homes | 281-394-2001 | 1114 Paralee Dr | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Hammond Homes | 281-395-0728 | 1606 Baldridge Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Hammonds Homes | 281-693-5400 | 2043 Broken Branch Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Hammonds Homes | 281-693-2222 | 7023 Morning Sky | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Hammonds Homes | 281-392-7778 | 25003 Sienna Terrace Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Imperial Homes Falcon Point | 281-395-5180 | 1214 Wellshire Dr | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Imperial Homes Falcon Point | 281-395-8681 | 1222 Wellshire Dr | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Legacy Homes Falcon Ranch | 281-693-0202 | 2323 Falcon Knoll Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Legacy Homes Seven Meadows | 281-392-4330 | 7207 Rose Sage | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Morrison Homes | 281-395-2121 | 25322 Sundown Canyon Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Partners in Building Grayson Lakes | 281-693-6200 | 2047 Broken Branch Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Perry Homes | 281-693-0022 | 26710 Hawkstone Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Perry Homes | 281-578-2500 | 24202 Kinross Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Perry Homes | 281-395-3010 | 25505 Rivergreen Park Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Perry Homes | 281-693-1990 | 22518 Rocky Walk Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Perry Homes | 281-395-0070 | 26506 Rosehearth Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Perry Homes | 281-392-1430 | 4318 Windy Chase Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Trendmaker Homes | 281-347-2022 | 3903 Trailstone Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Village Builders | 281-395-2692 | 25507 Rivergreen Park Ct | Katy | TX | 77494 |
Village Builders | 281-693-0020 | 26507 Sandy Arbor Ln | Katy | TX | 77494 |
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