Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Antiques in Galveston, TX 77550
* Each listing below of Antiques Information for Galveston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andrea's Antiques | 409-763-6295 | 2215 Post Office St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Antique Warehouse | 409-762-8620 | 423 25th St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Big House Antiques | 409-762-0559 | 2212 Mechanic St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Collectors Gallery | 409-765-6443 | 2222 Post Office St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Front Parlor The | 409-762-0224 | 2111 Strand St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Hendley Market | 409-762-2610 | 2010 Strand St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Larry's Place | 409-763-0827 | 2701 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Me Me's Back Porch | 409-765-0135 | 911 22nd St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
On Broadway Antiques | 409-770-0772 | 2607 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Rare Find | 409-765-7800 | 2110 Mechanic St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Robert's Jewelry | 409-770-0035 | 1820 45th St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Simpson Galleries | 409-762-1001 | 2411 Strand St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Skinner's Antiques | 409-765-6290 | 1402 Ball St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Somewhere in Time Antiques | 409-762-1094 | 124 20th St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
The Gingerbread House Antiques & Gift | 409-763-8151 | 2901 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Vics Estate & Fine Jewelry | 409-762-5792 | 2413 Market St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
Yesterday's Best | 409-765-1419 | 120 20th St | Galveston | TX | 77550 |
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