Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in League City, TX 77573
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for League City TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alexa Luchak | 281-480-5278 | 2525 S Shore Blvd Ste 203 | League City | TX | 77573 |
Cagle & McCumber Attorneys at La | 281-332-7630 | 215 E Galveston St | League City | TX | 77573 |
Clark Diane D | 281-535-3500 | 3027 Marina Bay Dr Ste 108 | League City | TX | 77573 |
Cundiff Paula Attorney at Law | 281-332-7290 | 909 W Main St | League City | TX | 77573 |
Ducote James Attorney at Law | 281-332-2444 | 1101 W Main St Ste M | League City | TX | 77573 |
Fuhr Frederick L Attorney at Law | 281-332-1400 | 622 W Main St | League City | TX | 77573 |
Gussler Charles G Attorney at Law | 281-535-1881 | 1279 E Fm 518 Rd | League City | TX | 77573 |
Hebisen R V Atty | 281-332-6999 | 1507 Newport Blvd | League City | TX | 77573 |
Humphreys & Humphreys Attorney at Law | 281-338-0123 | 1026 E Main St Ste 108 | League City | TX | 77573 |
Kaye Kenneth C | 281-332-3508 | 1101 W Main St Ste P | League City | TX | 77573 |
Kivell Gary B Atty | 281-332-6520 | 510 Highway 3 N | League City | TX | 77573 |
Law Offices of Steven T Parker Pc | 281-332-3224 | 921 E Main St | League City | TX | 77573 |
Patelis Daphne Atty | 281-338-7704 | 1851 Gulf Fwy S Ste 33 | League City | TX | 77573 |
Paul R Miller Attorney at Law | 281-334-0839 | 2551 S Shore Blvd | League City | TX | 77573 |
Phillips Pat W Attorney at Law | 281-316-1480 | 1015 E Main St | League City | TX | 77573 |
Samuelson Christian C Attorney at Law | 281-332-5600 | 955 Gemini | League City | TX | 77573 |
Tad A Nelson & Associates | 281-316-9201 | 820 E Main St | League City | TX | 77573 |
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