Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Friendswood, TX 77546
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Friendswood TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baybrook Baptist Church | 281-996-1316 | 15775 Hope Village Rd | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Bayou Gardens Florist | 281-482-2832 | 409 S Friendswood Dr | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Brookside Church | 281-993-0980 | 5131 Fm 2351 Rd | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Calvary Chapel Houston | 281-648-5800 | 3700 E Fm 528 Rd | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Christian Counseling Center | 281-482-3882 | 2051 W Parkwood Ave | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Christian Science Church of Frien | 281-648-1217 | 1700 Winding Way Dr | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Church of Christ | 281-992-2168 | 2400 W Bay Area Blvd | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 281-996-5605 | 505 Deseret Dr | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Crosscreek Church | 281-992-8331 | 1838 CR 129 | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Fellowship Bible Church Pearland | 281-482-0239 | 1720 E Broadway | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
First Baptist Church of Friendswood | 281-482-7573 | 111 E Heritage Dr | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
First Church of Pearland | 281-992-4538 | 1850 Broadway | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Friendswood Baptist Church | 281-996-6880 | 315 W Shadowbend Ave | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Friendswood United Methodist Churc | 281-482-7535 | 204 W Edgewood Dr | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Heritage Park Baptist Church | 281-482-4729 | 2732 W Parkwood Ave | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 281-482-7943 | 1804 S Friendswood Dr | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
New Life Assembly of God | 281-482-5433 | 104 Whispering Pines Ave | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Sexual Wholeness Ministry | 281-992-8800 | PO Box 580592 | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
Trinity Fellowship | 281-482-0577 | 301 Leisure Ln | Friendswood | TX | 77546 |
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