Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Galveston, TX 77551
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Galveston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
America's Drive-In Sonic | 409-740-9009 | 6502 Seawall Blvd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Beach Cafe | 409-741-8980 | 5002 Seawall Blvd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Church's Chicken | 409-762-7582 | 4825 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Diner The | 409-744-3223 | 1017 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
El Nopalito Restaurant III | 409-740-3458 | 6001 Avenue P 1/2 | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Golden Corral | 409-744-1080 | 6200 Seawall Blvd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
International House of Pancakes | 409-740-7474 | 5224 Seawall Blvd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Jack in the Box | 409-744-3521 | 2400 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 409-740-3416 | 2227 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Landry's Seafood House | 409-744-1010 | 5310 Seawall Blvd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Luby's | 409-744-8788 | 6125 Central City Blvd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
McDonald's Restaurant of Galveston | 409-744-5214 | 2912 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
McDonald's Restaurant of Galveston | 409-744-5886 | 5223 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Moore's Shrimp Hut | 409-744-5449 | 1923 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits | 409-740-4335 | 2904 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Santiago's Restaurant | 409-740-3644 | 5302 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Subway Sandwich | 409-744-3370 | 2302 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Taco Bell | 409-740-1616 | 5701 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Taco Cabana | 409-740-1316 | 2729 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Taco House Restaurant The | 409-762-5777 | 5001 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
The Cajun Greek | 409-744-7042 | 2226 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
The Donut Shoppe | 409-762-9344 | 4917 Broadway St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Tortuga Coastal Cantina | 409-741-5000 | 6010 Seawall Blvd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Waffle House | 409-741-9323 | 2825 61st St | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
Whataburger Restaurants | 409-744-6344 | 6327 Stewart Rd | Galveston | TX | 77551 |
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