Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Longview, TX 75601
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Longview TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Syringomyelia Alliance Projec | 903-236-7079 | 300 N Green St | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Community Action Program | 903-758-5674 | 409 N Fredonia St | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Early Childhood Intervention | 903-757-8194 | 105 Woodbine Pl | Longview | TX | 75601 |
East Texas Casa | 903-753-8093 | 300 N Green St Ste 215 | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Habitat for Humanity | 903-236-0900 | 300 W Tyler St | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Lgv Interfaith Hospitality Net | 903-234-8343 | 700 N Edith St | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Longview Community Ministries | 903-753-3561 | 405 N 5th St | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Longview Information & Services | 903-759-9875 | Hi Way 80 Rescue Mis | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Newgate Budget Center | 903-236-9844 | 426 E Cotton St | Longview | TX | 75601 |
Salvation Army The | 903-236-0108 | 519 E Cotton St | Longview | TX | 75601 |
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