Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Crosby, TX 77532
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Crosby TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church | 281-328-6331 | 230 W 1st St | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Barrett Station Church of Christ | 281-328-7882 | 123 Zinn Dr | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Churches United in Caring | 281-328-3178 | 944 Church St | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Churches United in Caring Inc | 281-328-8049 | 5223 Fm 2100 Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Community Baptist Church | 281-324-3871 | 20615 Fm 2100 Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Crosby Brethren Church | 281-328-2442 | 5202 1st St | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Crosby Church | 281-328-1310 | 5725 Highway 90 | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Crosby United Methodist Church | 281-328-2616 | 1335 Runneburg Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Crsby Chrch of Chrst Parsonage | 281-328-3496 | 3737 Highway 90 | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
First Baptist Church of Crosby | 281-328-2564 | 915 Runneburg Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 281-328-4330 | 11910 Locust St | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Harvest Baptist Church | 281-328-7884 | 13303 Bohemian Hall Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Iglesia Acres De Amor II | 281-328-7392 | 5519 Highway 90 | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Iglesia Bautista Comunidad | 281-328-7772 | 5323 Highway 90 | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 281-328-4650 | 315 Nod Ave | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
New Covenant of Faith Church | 281-328-1315 | 12217 Holly Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 281-328-4549 | 18321 Fm 2100 | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 281-328-6086 | 18321 Fm 2100 Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Northeast Freeway Baptist Church | 281-328-2723 | 1635 Runneburg Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church | 281-328-1851 | 12418 Fm 2100 Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
St Martin De Porres Church Rectory | 281-328-4451 | 12606 Crosby Lynchburg Rd | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church | 281-328-7637 | 404 Oak Ave | Crosby | TX | 77532 |
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