Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Highlands, TX 77562
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Highlands TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church | 281-426-6565 | 2500 Harris | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Church of Christ at Wallisville Roa | 281-426-7557 | 1500 E Wallisville Rd | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
First Apostolic Church of Highlands | 281-426-4133 | 1211 S Main St | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
First Baptist Child Care Center | 281-426-7022 | 210 N Magnolia St | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
First Baptist Church of Highlands | 281-426-4551 | N Magnolia at Wallisvi | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Highlands United Methodist Churc | 281-426-3614 | 107 W Houston St | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Living Word Church | 281-426-7050 | 606 N Main St | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Mt Corinth Missionary Baptist Church | 281-426-5451 | 2416 Short | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
New Testament Missionary Bapt | 281-426-3681 | 7207 Dallas | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Northside Baptist Church of Highl | 281-426-5415 | 317 Barbers Hill Rd | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Second Baptist Church of Highlands | 281-426-5557 | 400 E Wallisville Rd | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Unity Baptist Church | 281-426-4223 | 2625 Broad St | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
Washington Chapel Missionary Bapt | 281-426-6822 | 2207 Jones Rd | Highlands | TX | 77562 |
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