Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Houston, TX 77007
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Houston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Missionary Baptist Church | 713-862-7633 | 817 Herkimer St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church | 713-861-6670 | 1107 Shepherd Dr | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Brazil Ruben D Rev | 713-426-6053 | 3208 Washington Ave | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Damascus Baptist Church | 713-862-4012 | 3122 Center St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
First Baptist Church Heights S B C | 713-861-3102 | 201 E 9th St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Iglesia De Dios | 713-861-2923 | 3605 White Oak Dr | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Impact Houston Church of Christ | 713-864-5667 | 1704 Weber St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Jones Chapel Ame Church | 713-864-9782 | 302 W 8th St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Mallalieu United Methodist Churc | 713-236-9219 | 1918 Hickory St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Messiah Lutheran Church and School Miss | 713-861-3072 | 816 Roy St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Mission Jehovah Jireh | 713-863-7820 | 5502 Petty St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 713-223-9770 | 1221 Crockett St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Shepherd Drive Methodist Churc | 713-861-3563 | 620 Shepherd Dr | Houston | TX | 77007 |
St Luke Baptist Church | 713-864-1560 | 714 Detering St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
St Marks Methodist Church | 713-862-2407 | 1615 Patterson St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
St Mary Baptist Church | 713-864-7137 | 4602 Eli St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
St Peters Lutheran Church | 713-228-3821 | 1501 Houston Ave | Houston | TX | 77007 |
St Theresa Catholic Church | 713-869-3783 | 6622 Haskell St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Lcms | 713-224-0684 | 800 Houston Ave | Houston | TX | 77007 |
West End Baptist Church Sbc | 713-862-6683 | 802 Shepherd Dr | Houston | TX | 77007 |
Westend Church of Christ | 713-869-1336 | 718 Malone St | Houston | TX | 77007 |
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