Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Houston, TX 77022
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Houston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Love Baptist Church | 713-691-9135 | 9135 Irvington Blvd | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Bella Vista Missionary Baptist Church | 713-694-2012 | 803 E 36th St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Bella Vista Missionary Baptist Church | 713-692-3944 | 807 E 36th St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Bethel Baptist Church Sbc | 713-694-2381 | 25 Tidwell Rd | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Bible Way Church | 713-691-1600 | 627 E 38th St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Bright Morning Star Baptist Church | 713-868-3891 | 1309 E 32nd 1/2 St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Brooks Chapel United Methodist Churc | 713-869-8647 | 1331 E 32nd 1/2 St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Christ Missionary Baptist Church | 713-697-7641 | 619 E 40th 1/2 St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Church of Christ | 713-692-4489 | 6502 Enid St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 713-697-4045 | 65 Melbourne St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Concord Baptist Church | 713-862-9473 | 7506 N Main St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Doverside Baptist Church S B C | 713-694-3021 | 619 Berry Rd | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Duckett John Rev | 713-692-3281 | 7721 Helmers St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Ebenezer United Methodist Churc | 713-864-1796 | 7302 N Main St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Faith Tabernacle Church | 713-691-1855 | 45 Neyland St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Gibbs W E Rev | 713-695-7061 | 4441 Haygood St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Gideon Baptist Church | 713-697-7277 | 8311 Fulton St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Gospel Way Missionary Baptist Church | 713-880-3148 | 3307 Bella Vista St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Greater Mount Olive Missionary Bapt | 713-862-2133 | 1317 North Loop | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Greater New Hope Baptist Church | 713-695-6664 | 7818 N Main St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Harmony Missionary Baptist Church | 713-694-0331 | 925 Firnat St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Holy Bible Way Baptist Church | 713-695-1629 | 100 E Tidwell Rd | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Holy Temple Deliverance Church | 713-692-0335 | 1199 Crosstimbers St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Iglesia Bautista Grace | 713-695-4673 | 7602 Fulton St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Iglesia Jireh Minstries Inc | 713-694-4216 | 302 E Tidwell Rd | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Iglesia Poder En Cristo | 713-691-2143 | 9305 Irvington Blvd | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Lakewood Church | 713-695-8306 | 1359 E 40th St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Lindale Baptist Church S B C | 713-695-3604 | 6615 Irvington Blvd | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Mount Pilgrim Missionary Bapt | 713-864-4504 | 908 E 32nd St # 1 | Houston | TX | 77022 |
New Convenant Baptist Church | 713-691-8030 | 634 Feamster Dr | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Oakwood United Methodist Churc | 713-695-2828 | 7029 Appleton St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Ontological Society | 713-697-6298 | 911 Apache St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Providence Missionary Baptist Church | 713-692-5017 | 403 E 43rd St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
True Light Baptist Church | 713-861-8437 | 7102 N Main St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
Victory Inner City Ministries Chur | 713-742-9000 | 18 Veenstra St | Houston | TX | 77022 |
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