Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Houston, TX 77024
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Houston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chapelwood United Methodist Churc | 713-465-3467 | 11140 Greenbay St | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Chinese Baptist Church | 713-461-0963 | 900 Brogden Rd | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Christ Evangelical Presbyterian | 713-526-1188 | 8300 Katy Fwy | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Christian Chapel C M E Church Temple O | 972-239-1120 | 14120 Noel Rd | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Christian Science Churches | 713-468-7377 | 11976 Memorial Dr | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Church of Christ | 713-464-0271 | 900 Echo Ln | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Collins Lester B Jr | 713-468-8241 | 555 Tallowood Rd | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit | 713-468-7796 | 12535 Perthshire Rd | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Houston's First Baptist Church | 713-681-8000 | 7401 Katy Fwy | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Memorial Dr Christian Church | 713-789-0060 | 11750 Memorial Dr | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Memorial Drive Baptist Church | 713-781-3553 | 325 Piney Point Rd | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Memorial Drive Presbyterian Ch | 713-782-1710 | 11612 Memorial Dr | Houston | TX | 77024 |
Pines Presbyterian Church | 713-467-2234 | 12751 Kimberley Ln | Houston | TX | 77024 |
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