Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Houston, TX 77026
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Houston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic of NE Houston | 713-631-0709 | 6301 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Apostolic Tabernacle | 713-673-7900 | 5547 Cavalcade St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Bethesda Baptist Church | 713-635-2000 | 3938 Melbourne St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church | 713-633-4706 | 5514 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Buck Street Memorial Church of God I | 713-674-7549 | 3510 Des Chaumes St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Caring Heart Outreach Church | 713-699-4231 | 6205 Jensen Dr | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Charity Baptist Church | 713-674-5038 | 2809 Erastus St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Charity Baptist Church | 713-678-4623 | 5217 Liberty Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Christ Temple Apostolic Church | 713-635-1301 | 6202 Lockwood Dr | Houston | TX | 77026 |
City Wide Ushers | 713-691-4828 | 2507 Glasgow St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Community Fellowship Missionary Bapt | 713-224-6222 | 2500 Campbell St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church | 713-673-7750 | 6021 Cavalcade St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Creston Baptist Church | 713-692-4214 | 3201 Creston Dr | Houston | TX | 77026 |
E J Simon Baptist Church | 713-222-1557 | 2823 Collingsworth St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 713-222-0838 | 1814 Jensen Dr | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Fellowship Church of Jesus Christ | 713-694-5825 | 5601 Brackenridge St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
First Morning Star Baptist Church | 713-678-7453 | 6221 Crane St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
First Mount Olive Baptist Church | 713-674-7253 | 5201 Pardee St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
First Mt Nebo Baptist Church | 713-674-4009 | 4611 Los Angeles St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
First New Mt Calvary Baptist Church | 713-228-3011 | 2008 Gregg St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
First St Mark Baptist Church | 713-227-0560 | 2934 Brackenridge St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Good Hope Baptist Church | 713-671-2533 | 2905 Cushing St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Good Samaritan Missionary Bapt | 713-674-5902 | 5901 Cavalcade St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Goodwill Baptist Church | 713-674-6148 | 3319 Vintage St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Gospel Hill Baptist Church | 713-675-7068 | 3917 Wipprecht St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Greater Christian Fellowship Bapt | 713-674-0844 | 4717 Kashmere St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Greater Emmanuel Apostolic Churc | 713-635-2513 | 3915 Kelley St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Greater Love Missionary Baptist Church | 713-691-5310 | 6113 Jensen Dr | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Greater Mt Nebo Baptist Church | 713-675-0344 | 5005 Liberty Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Greater St Paul Missionary Bapt | 713-673-3200 | 3609 Broyles St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Greater True Vine Baptist Church | 713-672-9086 | 3010 Fontinot St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Homeward Bound Prison Ministry | 713-672-6720 | 5606 Pardee St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Innovative Outreach International | 713-676-0192 | 5511 Crane St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Kashmere Garden Baptist Church | 713-672-1927 | 4302 Cavalcade St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Kashmere Garden Church of Christ | 713-674-3308 | 4315 Leffingwell St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 713-673-1027 | 4511 Eddie St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church | 713-674-5061 | 4704 Evella St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Mission Baptist Church | 713-675-1363 | 3103 Chickering St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Morning Star Baptist Church | 713-674-7170 | 5110 Crane St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Mount Herman Baptist Church | 713-223-8633 | 3215 Kentucky St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church | 713-692-1821 | 2401 Woodard St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Mt Herman Baptist Church | 713-674-4251 | 2909 Kirk St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Mt Rose Missionary Baptist Church | 713-635-4591 | 5009 Fairbanks St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Bethel Baptist Church | 713-673-7694 | 3535 Brewster St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Birth Community Church | 713-670-9200 | 2703 Ralston St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Canaan Baptist Church | 713-675-1768 | 4605 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Evergreen Baptist Church | 713-672-2875 | 3509 Collingsworth St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Life in the Word | 713-672-7100 | 4521 Englewood St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Loyalty Baptist Church | 713-635-1397 | 6100 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Macedonia Baptist Church | 713-225-0191 | 2107 Gregg St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Mount Calvary Missionary Bapt | 713-635-1955 | 4711 Kelley St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
New Pleasant Grove Baptist Church | 713-672-7419 | 3221 Bain St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Northeast Community Church 1 | 713-224-6428 | 3216 Collingsworth St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Northside Antioch Baptist Church | 713-228-1332 | 1814 Carr St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Payne Chapel Ame Church | 713-224-0761 | 2701 Lee St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Peaceful Rest Baptist Church | 713-674-0732 | 3516 Rupert St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Prayer Time Community Church | 713-678-8359 | 5112 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Progressive Mt Hermon Baptist Church | 713-675-6635 | 4504 Wayne St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Second Cavalcade Baptist Church | 713-675-0669 | 6022 Cavalcade St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
St John Baptist Church | 713-675-4485 | 3029 Wayne St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
St Luke Baptist Church | 713-673-2869 | 5415 Marcus St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Sunrise Baptist Church | 713-225-4845 | 2720 Bringhurst St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Trinity Missionary Baptist Church | 713-678-7517 | 4805 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
True Faith Missionary Baptist Church | 713-631-1736 | 5806 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
True Love Baptist Church | 713-675-2454 | 4029 Falls St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Union Memorial Methodist Churc | 713-675-0894 | 4712 Cavalcade St | Houston | TX | 77026 |
Zion Temple Missionary Baptist Church | 713-635-1465 | 5919 Hirsch Rd | Houston | TX | 77026 |
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