Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Houston, TX 77028
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Houston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Missionary Baptist Church | 713-635-0900 | 6724 Finch St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Bethany Baptist Church S B C | 713-633-4831 | 7304 Homestead Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 713-676-2055 | 8721 Southwark St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Bible Refuge Temple Apostolic | 713-631-6241 | 8113 Count St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Christ Community Fellowship Bapt | 713-491-3484 | 8110 Homewood Ln | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Christian Life Community Churc | 713-631-4851 | 8146 E Houston Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Christian Way Missionary Bapt | 713-633-9269 | 8156 Count St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Christway Baptist Church | 713-672-2600 | 5709 Eastland St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Church Baptist Luke St Greater | 713-633-4144 | 7108 Hoffman St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Church of Christ | 713-633-0538 | 7014 Darien St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Th | 713-633-3295 | 8225 E Houston Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Commandment Baptist Church The | 713-491-8098 | 7122 Carothers St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Community Baptist Church | 713-675-7313 | 8118 Miley St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Community Chapel Cogic | 713-672-0382 | 7916 Kenton St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church | 713-635-3006 | 6902 Eastland St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
East Houston Church of Christ | 713-631-7435 | 7515 E Houston Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
East Park Baptist Church | 713-633-0890 | 8602 Tidwell Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church | 713-631-6166 | 7406 Touchstone St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Eveningstar Missionary Baptist Church | 713-631-4760 | 8422 Darlington Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Minis | 713-631-5300 | 8424 Ley Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Good Shepherd Baptist Church | 713-672-9847 | 7818 Bonaire St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Greater Emmanuel Church of God in Chris | 713-633-7232 | 8711 Talton St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Greater Morning Star Church Personal | 713-633-1803 | 8430 Tidwell Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Greater New Cannan Missionary Bapt | 713-633-6661 | 7518 Bywood St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Greater New Galilee Baptist Church | 713-631-6944 | 8505 Tidwell Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Greater New Hope Missionary Bapt | 713-633-1244 | 7517 W Knoll St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Greater New Mt Pleasant Baptist Church | 713-674-6655 | 5318 Tommye St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Greater New Sanctuary Baptist Church | 713-631-6623 | 7434 Springdale St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Haight Missionary Baptist Church | 713-491-9600 | 6705 Haight St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Homestead Road Church of Christ | 713-633-1540 | 7211 Homestead Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Israel Missionary Baptist Church | 713-633-7520 | 7805 Darlington Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Lakewood Church Joel Osteen Pastor | 713-635-4154 | 7417 E Houston Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Little Union Missionary Baptist Church | 713-635-3108 | 6609 Letcher St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Living God | 713-631-6526 | 8019 Record St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Mt Gilead Missionary Baptist Church | 713-631-6362 | 7126 Springdale St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Mt Moriah Baptist Church | 713-674-3698 | 4510 Ranger St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church | 713-635-2688 | 8535 Green River Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Community Church | 713-631-8303 | 9005 N Wayside Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Day Deliverance Holiness Church | 713-633-5011 | 9001 Mesa Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Evergreen Baptist Church | 713-675-1987 | 7858 Angus St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 713-675-6803 | 7949 Millard St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 713-635-1538 | 7936 Woodlyn Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Jerusalem Missionary Bapt | 713-635-1975 | 5428 Shreveport Blvd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Life Community Baptist Church | 713-635-2399 | 8448 Green River Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Life Missionary Baptist Church | 713-675-1441 | 7956 Little St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Light Missionary Baptist Church | 713-631-7451 | 8035 Crestview Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Macedonia Missionary Bapt | 713-631-1028 | 6602 Kittridge St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
New Rising Star Baptist Church | 713-631-6524 | 7902 Way St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
North East Community Church | 713-635-3722 | 7935 Snowden St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
North Wayside Church of Christ | 713-635-3177 | 7015 N Wayside Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
People's Home & Foreign Mission Church | 713-674-9802 | 7825 Hanna St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Progressive Faith Church | 713-491-9358 | 7025 Kirkpatrick Blvd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Rising Star Baptist Church | 713-635-3401 | 8205 Darlington Dr | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Smith Memorial Church of God in Chris | 713-671-2271 | 7925 Fowlie St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
St Andrew Baptist Church | 713-631-0282 | 7802 Belroit St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
St Luke Baptist Church | 713-635-4084 | 6418 Haight St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
St Paul Missionary Baptist Church | 713-672-9838 | 7738 Rand St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Starlight Baptist Church | 713-633-3133 | 7101 Laura Koppe Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Sunbeam Baptist Church | 713-635-5814 | 7210 Shotwell St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Sunshine Missionary Baptist Church | 713-674-2356 | 7946 Attwater St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church | 713-631-3446 | 7104 Homestead Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Trinity Gardens First Baptist Church | 713-633-7828 | 6610 Wileyvale Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
True Vine Baptist Church | 713-673-1564 | 7963 Saint Louis St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Wesley Methodist Church | 713-633-6849 | 7225 Homestead Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
White Rock Missionary Baptist Church | 713-631-7423 | 8008 Darien St | Houston | TX | 77028 |
Willing Workers Baptist Church | 713-631-6941 | 6900 Weaver Rd | Houston | TX | 77028 |
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