Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Houston, TX 77047
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Houston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Missionary Baptist Church | 713-433-2971 | 14145 Bridgeport Rd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Almeda Baptist Church Sbc | 713-433-1981 | 14001 Almeda School Rd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Almeda United Methodist Church | 713-433-1578 | 14310 Almeda School Rd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Berean Missionary Baptist Church | 713-734-4260 | 11114 Cullen Blvd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Calvary Hill Baptist Church | 713-734-2046 | 3941 Almeda Genoa Rd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Cloverland Church of Christ | 713-733-3676 | 11903 Scott St | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Crusader for Christ Miracle House | 713-433-0333 | 5 Broadhurst Dr | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Cullen Baptist Church | 713-734-0275 | 13233 Cullen Blvd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Fiesta Missionary Baptist Church | 713-734-3661 | 11105 Cullen Blvd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Jones Memorial Methodist Churc | 713-433-5505 | 2504 Almeda Genoa Rd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Jones Memorial Methodist Churc | 713-733-4630 | 4310 Holloway Dr | Houston | TX | 77047 |
Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church | 713-733-5049 | 13439 Cullen Blvd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
New Bethlehem Missionary | 713-734-2117 | 12707 Cullen Blvd | Houston | TX | 77047 |
St Agnes Baptist Church | 713-733-0146 | 3730 S Acres Dr | Houston | TX | 77047 |
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