Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Houston, TX 77053
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Houston TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Life Christian Fellowship | 281-565-6405 | 4133 Bluebonnet Dr | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Anderson Road Baptist Church | 713-433-0567 | 5114 Anderson Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
God's Way Baptist Church | 713-433-2784 | 15131 Bathurst Dr | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Greater Holy Trinity Missionary Bapt | 713-434-0856 | 5525 Anderson Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 281-416-1933 | 16110 Chimney Rock Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Love Faith & Hope M B C | 713-413-4101 | 14556 Almeda Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Mt Moriah Missionary Baptist Church | 713-434-1376 | 15500 Vandalia Way | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Newhope Baptist Church | 281-437-0898 | 6430 Court Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Now Testament Church | 713-433-9668 | 3401 Anderson Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Real Faith Christian Fellowship Chur | 281-835-0797 | 7445 McHard Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
Resurrection Lutheran Church | 281-437-4169 | 5431 W Ridge Creek Dr | Houston | TX | 77053 |
S Post Oak Church of Christ | 713-433-1883 | 15077 S Post Oak Rd | Houston | TX | 77053 |
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