Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Katy, TX 77450
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Katy TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Church Pca | 281-392-0002 | 20700 Kingsland Blvd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Church on the Rock Katy | 281-599-9777 | 20829 Kingsland Blvd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Cinco Ranch Church of Christ | 281-579-3100 | 6655 S Mason Rd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Crosspoint Lutheran Church | 281-398-6464 | 700 Westgreen Blvd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Family Life Assembly of God | 281-392-0637 | 1012 S Mason Rd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Fellowship at Cinco Ranch The | 281-395-3950 | 22765 Westheimer Pkwy | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 281-646-1084 | 1039 Flagmore Dr | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Grace Fellowship Children's Day | 281-398-3412 | 2655 S Mason Rd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Iglesia Sobre La Roca | 281-828-4611 | 21202 Branford Hills Ln | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Kingsland Baptist Church | 281-492-0785 | 20555 Kingsland Blvd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Latter Day Saints | 281-829-9913 | 1603 Norwalk | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Living Word Lutheran Church Elca | 281-392-2273 | 3700 S Mason Rd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
Lusi Consultant Inc | 281-398-9770 | 4019 Garden Branch Ct | Katy | TX | 77450 |
New Vision Baptist Church | 281-492-0856 | 21426 Highland Knolls Dr | Katy | TX | 77450 |
St Peter Early Childhood Devel | 281-492-0623 | 20775 Kingsland Blvd | Katy | TX | 77450 |
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