Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Katy, TX 77493
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Katy TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Faith Church | 281-391-3310 | 5900 10th St | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Apostolic Faith Church Parsonage | 281-391-3426 | 1314 Avenue A | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Church of Christ in Katy | 281-391-7606 | 5458 E 5th St | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 281-391-3725 | 1928 Drexel Dr | Katy | TX | 77493 |
El Shaddai Assembly of God Church | 281-391-8339 | 5610 Lilac St | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Faith West Academy | 281-391-5433 | 2225 Porter Rd | Katy | TX | 77493 |
First United Methodist Church Katy | 281-391-2121 | 5601 5th St | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Good News Baptist Church of Great | 281-391-9199 | 2502 Katy Hockley Cut Off | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor | 281-391-5040 | 906 Avenue A | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Katy Bible Church | 281-391-7284 | 2500 Avenue D | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Katy Community Fellowship | 281-391-0099 | 1812 Avenue D Ste 205 | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Katy Pentecostal Church | 281-391-1010 | 2120 Katy Hockley Cut Off | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Memorial Lutheran Church Lcms | 281-391-0171 | 5810 3rd St | Katy | TX | 77493 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church Katy | 281-392-5603 | 1913 East Ave | Katy | TX | 77493 |
St Bartholomew Catholic Church | 281-391-0839 | 5356 11th St | Katy | TX | 77493 |
St Paul's Episcopal Church Katy | 281-391-2785 | 1936 Drexel Dr | Katy | TX | 77493 |
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