Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pasadena, TX 77505
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pasadena TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Student Union of San Jacinto | 281-479-7100 | 8060 Spencer Hwy | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Bay Area New Life Community Churc | 281-991-9000 | 2121 Genoa Red Bluff Rd | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Church of Christ | 281-487-9230 | 6705 Fairmont Pkwy | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Clearpoint A Church for Our Community | 281-991-9700 | 5151 E Sam Houston Pkwy S | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Fairmont Central Baptist Church | 281-487-3587 | 3801 Preston Ave | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Fairmont Christian Academy | 281-487-1317 | 6109 Fairmont Pkwy | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
First Christian Church of Pasadena | 281-991-4585 | 4848 Preston Ave | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
First Presbyterian Church of Pasdn | 281-991-4020 | 4647 Preston Ave | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 281-487-3209 | 3303 Lily St | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Living Springs Assembly of God | 281-487-0439 | 4821 Spencer Hwy | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Memorial Baptist Church S B C of Pasade | 281-998-0217 | 6901 Fairmont Pkwy | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 281-998-0965 | 6435 Fairmont Pkwy | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
Southside Church of Christ Pasadena | 281-998-8184 | 4110 Preston Ave | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
St Paul's Anglican Church | 281-479-7285 | 5801 Red Bluff Rd | Pasadena | TX | 77505 |
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