Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Katy, TX 77449
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Katy TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvin Nelms Charter High School | 281-398-8031 | 20625 Clay Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Children's Lighthouse Katy | 281-492-2688 | 19607 Clay Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Cypress Fairbanks Independent Sch | 281-856-5174 | 20150 Arbor Creek Dr | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Cypress Fairbanks Independent Sch | 281-463-5966 | 6355 Greenhouse Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Cypress Fairbanks Independent Sch | 281-856-1420 | 19790 Kieth Harrow Blvd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Cypress Fairbanks Independent Sch | 281-856-1500 | 19802 Kieth Harrow Blvd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Cypress Fairbanks Independent Sch | 281-345-3200 | 6424 Settlers Village Dr | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-8500 | 19711 Clay Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-7800 | 21000 Franz Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-5350 | 3535 Lakes of Bridgewater | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-5300 | 3635 Lakes of Bridgewater | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-2000 | 3535 N Fry Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-7400 | 2498 N Mason Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-6650 | 22555 Prince George Ln | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-5400 | 20100 Saums Rd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Katy Independent School District | 281-237-8600 | 2751 W Green Blvd | Katy | TX | 77449 |
Pope John Xxiii High School | 281-693-1000 | 1800 W Grand Pkwy | Katy | TX | 77449 |
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