Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in San Marcos, TX 78666
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for San Marcos TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Crystal River Inn | 512-396-3739 | 326 W Hopkins St | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
Fritz's Catering | 512-754-9438 | 1850 Ranch Road 12 | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
Italian Garden | 512-392-8730 | 415 N L B J Dr | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
Johnny Carino's Italian Restaurant | 512-393-5060 | 1207 S I H 35 | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
Mana's Restaurant | 512-392-4068 | 807 Alabama St | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
Mr Gatti's | 512-393-2222 | 312 E Hopkins St | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
Overall C A A Catered Affair | 512-392-6432 | 113 Camaro Way | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
Texas Heritage Kitchen | 512-396-3694 | 2511 S Old Bastrop Hwy | San Marcos | TX | 78666 |
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