Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kyle, TX 78640
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kyle TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Center Union Missionary Baptist Church | 512-398-7500 | Williamson Rd | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Church of Christ Buda Kyle | 512-268-0230 | 3650 Jack C Hays Trl | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Faith Life Christian Center | 512-268-4355 | 470 Holly Grove St | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
First Baptist Church | 512-268-3511 | 300 W Center St | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Immanuel Baptist Church | 512-268-5471 | 4000 E Fm 150 | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses | 512-268-2186 | Fm 2770 Rd | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Kyle United Methodist Church | 512-268-2331 | 203 N Sledge St | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Power House Ministry | 512-268-7400 | 550 Drue Dr | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Primera Iglesia Ispana Baupista | 512-268-4797 | 301 N Main St | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
Sledge Chapel Missionary Bapt | 512-268-1544 | 709 Sewell | Kyle | TX | 78640 |
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