Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Weslaco, TX 78596
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Weslaco TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Savior Evangelical Lut | 956-968-5228 | 1612 W 6th St | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Apostolic Church Assembly | 956-969-1178 | 319 E Los Torritos St | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Central Christian Fellowship | 956-968-5700 | 723 E Business 83 | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Church of the Living Word | 956-565-2694 | 2501 Camino De Verdad | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
El Sendero De La Cruz | 956-447-8558 | 2901 Mile 6 W | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Faith Lutheran Church of Weslaco | 956-968-2342 | 300 S Border Ave | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
First Christian Church | 956-968-3623 | 205 W 6th St | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 956-969-4042 | 1910 E Expressway 83 | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
First Presbyterian Church | 956-968-1060 | 706 S Iowa Ave | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
First Presbyterian Church | 956-969-1535 | 709 S Iowa Ave | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
First United Methodist Church | 956-968-7561 | 520 S Illinois Ave | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
First United Methodist Church | 956-968-7071 | 1102 W 8th St | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor | 956-968-7979 | 8409 N Fm 88 | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
La Santisima Trinidad Methodist Churc | 956-968-3407 | 623 N Padre Ave | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
La Santisima Trinidad Umc Rn | 956-968-2404 | 409 E 2nd St | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Love of Christ Lutheran Church Elca | 956-447-1337 | 7th & Iowa St | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Mid Valley Assembly | 956-973-9673 | 720 S Oklahoma Ave | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Mision Luterana San Pablo Elca | 956-968-4411 | 2216 E Pike Blvd | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church | 956-968-9555 | 500 S Indiana Ave | Weslaco | TX | 78596 |
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